Saturday, May 26, 2012

Morocan Tuna Quinoa Salad

I developed this obsession with quinoa while I was in Boston, love the texture, the way it 'pops' in your mouth and its unique fragrance. Plus, it's also got a lot more protein and a lot less carbs than other grains so it's a win-win staple for people who want to lose weight (i.e. me)

Morocan Tuna Quinoa Salad.
To be honest, I know nothing about Morocan food, but the tin of tuna (yes I ate canned tuna), labelled "Morocan seasoning" had a picture of tomatoes, coriander and cumin seeds on the front so I just added a few of those ingredients to enhance the flavor.


1/2 C Quinoa
1 C Water
1/2 ripe Avocado (diced)
1/4 ripe Tomato (diced)
1 Tin Tuna (either Morocan seasoned or plain in spring water)
1 tsp Whole cumin seeds
1 tsp Ground  coriander seeds
2 Cloves Garlic (minced)
1 Tbs Olive oil
2 tsp Lemon juice or balsamic vinegar (or both)
1/4 Finely sliced Fennel
Coriander leaves
  1. Soak the quinoa in cold water for 5 minutes, rinse thoroughly, then bring to boil with the water. Allow to simmer for 10-15 minutes, then remove from heat and allow the grains to absorb the rest of the steam.
  2. In a pan, gently toast the cumin seeds and coriander seeds, add the olive oil and minced garlic and fry briefly until garlic is cooked. Allow to cool and add the lemon juice. 
  3. Combine all other ingredients and mix with the quinoa and dressing.
Simple, healthy and yet still tasty :)

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